Membership Information

When you join the Loess Hills Audubon Society, you also become a member of the National Audubon Society. The many benefits associated with National Audubon and Loess Hills Audubon can include:

  1. Electronic notification of Chapter activities, local bird sightings, and conservation efforts.

  2. Participate in outings to areas as close as Stone Park, Brown's Lake, Snyder’s Bend, Owego Wetlands, Broken Kettle Grasslands, Southwood Conservation Area, and many others, or as distant as DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge or Hitchcock Nature Area near Omaha.

  3. Enjoy hearing experts discuss and highlight a variety of nature topics at monthly meetings.

  4. Make a difference by taking advantage of our many volunteer opportunities. These include helping at Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center, Adam’s Homestead and Nature Preserve, participating in work days in Stone Park, helping with bird counts and surveys, promoting environmental issues and much more.

  5. Support our mission to educate individuals and the general public, to enjoy and promote birding, and to be an advocate for wild areas and environmental issues.

  6. National Audubon Society membership also includes a subscription to Audubon, an award-winning magazine published by the National Audubon Society containing informative articles on birds, other wildlife and environmental topics.


Membership options:

You must complete the form at the link below and mail it to Loess Hills Audubon.

Chapter-Only Membership

  1. All the money stays within the LHAS Chapter territory.

  2. Membership expiration date is the same for everyone:  The end of the calendar year.

  3. Email reminders of chapter activities, outings, meetings, and other events.

  4. Questions and concerns are handled locally and quickly.

  5. You can see your membership at work right here.

Donations are welcome. All amounts over $20.00 are considered a legal deductible donation through the LHAS Chapter status as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

Category Amount
Student age 18 and under $12.00
Individual / Family $20.00

National Audubon Society Membership

  1. You become a member of the Loess Hills Audubon Society in addition to the National Audubon Society.

  2. Four issue of Audubon magazine will be provided annually.

  3. Your membership supports National Audubon’s regional, national and international programs for birds and the environment.

  4. Loess Hills Audubon Society receives funds from National if you are a first-time member for National (see below).

Membership classes begin at $20 and range upward. All amounts over $20.00 are considered a legal deductible donation through the NAS status as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Use this link to become a member of the National Audubon Society AND the Loess Hills Audubon Society (H52).

It is crucial National Audubon knows you were recruited by the Loess Hills Audubon Society (H52) since your ENTIRE first-time membership dollars are returned to LHAS for use in your local community. This happens ONLY for brand new memberships (never for membership renewals even if membership had expired).