Priority Birds

The National Audubon Society and Partners in Flight include the following Siouxland birds on their Watchlist of Priority Birds. Ninety species of birds are listed because of recent population declines. There are thirty Siouxland species between the two lists. Please use the above links for more information on the listed birds.


A = Abundant. Common species that is very numerous

C = Common. Species that occurs in fair to moderate numbers

U = Uncommon. Species present, but not certain to be seen

O = Occasional. Seen at intervals of 2 to 5 years

R = Rare. Seen less than every 5 years

X = Accidental. Seen once or twice, considered out-of-range

Bird Spring Summer Fall Winter
Anatidae (ducks and geese)
Redhead C R U O
Accipitridae (hawks and eagles)
Bald Eagle C X O C
Northern Goshawk O
Swainson's Hawk O X
Charadriidae (plovers)
Piping Plover U U R
Scopacidae (sandpipers)
Hudsonian Godwit U
Sanderling R X
Semipalmated Sandpiper C U R
Western Sandpiper U X
Short-billed Dowitcher U
American Woodcock O R
Laridae (gulls and terns)
Common Tern R R
Least Tern R U
Cuculidae (cuckoos, roadrunners, anis)
Black-billed Cuckoo U U
Strigidae (superb owls)
Snowy Owl X R
Long-eared Owl R U
Caprimulgidae (nightjars)
Eastern Whip-poor-will C U R
Picidae (woodpeckers)
Lewis' Woodpecker X X
Red-headed Woodpecker A A U U
Tyrannidae (tyrant flycatchers)
Olive-sided Flycatcher O R X
Muscicapidae (thrushes)
Wood Thrush U U U
Emberizidae Family
Parulinae (wood warblers)
Golden-winged Warbler O
Cape May Warbler O
Cerulean Warbler O R
Kentucky Warbler C O
Emberizinae (New World sparrows)
Grasshopper Sparrow C C
Le Conte's Sparrow O
Harris' Sparrow C U U
Icterinae (blackbirds and orioles)
Bobolink U U
Fringillidae (finches)
Evening Grosbeak X R